• Clinical Practice

    MIXR will examine the efficacy of XR tools for clinical and patient-bedside applications, including cardiac catheterization, intubation, post-trauma care and recovery following spinal cord injury, non-opioid pain management, and extra-ventricular drainage.

  • Medical Education and Training

    MIXR training modules include fasciotomy, in-hospital cardiac arrest care, intubation, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) skills, which will transform training and surgical skill maintenance, and make risky procedures safer.

  • Regulatory Standards

    MIXR will develop evaluation techniques, quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of new diagnostic and treatment approaches, and a clear understanding of the value added by XR over current clinical practice standards.

  • Diversity and Broadening Participation

    The real educational power of immersive telepresence lies in its ability to place young students in engaging, exciting, and context-rich environments that are very difficult to achieve in a traditional classroom setting. MIXR will deploy this power to increase female and minority representation in STEM fields like computer science and engineering.